I have decided to make a summer collection of headbands! I've made tons of headbands before, but now they are actually going to be part of a set. The name of the collection is called the Mad Hatter Headbands. Why did I chose this abnormal name? Well the same reason I named my blog Platypus designs. When I was making these headbands I felt very muchnessful (watch Alice In Wonderland to understand), and when I was making the blog I was feeling like Perry the Platypus, unstoppable and admirable.
The one in to the left is called Kitty Kat because the pattern has mice and yarn, and the one to the right is called sea urchin due to its bright colorful flowers that ended up looking like a uber pretty sea urchin.
The one to the left I call pink lady because (you can't see it) the inside of the flowers is a light pink.
I call the one to above Frannie Mae, because it reminds me of something someone called Frannie Mae would wear( I don't know any Frannie Maes).
I'm not entirely done. I want to make 20 headbands so I have 15 more to go. I need to get more supplies...
Anyways, next time I put up pictures I might have some models. :)
Adios for now.