Make Up.
Girls wear it to look older.
Older women wear it to look younger.
So what is the true purpose of this thing that is a beloved security blanket for the women of our world today.
Maybe it's just that, a security blanket, and when we wear it we become better than we are.
My question for today is who is to say what's better or worse?
Would Beyonce still be Beyonce if she didn't have the glam eyelashes and sparkly lipgloss? Would Reese Witherspoon still be the all american sweet heart without her flawless completion? Could drew Barrymore still be the covergirl without her smoky eyes?
Do these powerful women rely on their talent to get them places, or their looks?
I'm not questioning the fact that these women probably could go places on talent alone. I'm just wondering why did beauty help to get them their.
I'm a make up wearer just as much as the next woman, but I'm starting to wonder why I started wearing it.
I started breaking out with zits in the third grade, and was always taller than anyone else. By 5th grade there I was. A tall pubescent girl of 11 who started feeling more and more akward each minute. I guess thats why I wore makeup. Coverup, eyeliner, anything to make me feel beautiful.
Whose standard of beauty was I trying to measure up to? My own, or the one commercialized by the media, and my peers.
After considering this, I've realized what i consider to be beautiful, and that is everyone.
I have decided everyone is beautiful.
I feel my design are going to reach out to women who feel confident enough to wear them and secure enough of themselves to know that they look good.
Anyways, I've decided that if I ever use models to show off one of my articles of clothing they will not be wearing makeup.
I'm not trying to say makeup is terrible (once again, I wear it) but I think that it should only be worn by people who are confident with themselves so that its not used as a shield against who they really are.
You, my dear reader, may think I'm weird but I think I'm right.
Makeup is fine and is fun if you know that its not making you better because only you can make you better, and no one can tell you how you're supposed to look because no one looks the same.
Well, thats my 10 cents worth. Bye for now!
P.S. I stink at spelling, so the stars names I mentioned are probably spelled wrong.